Friday, September 24, 2010


2. I biked across to the other side of the city to go to the farmers market. With my magic hands that can clasp a total capacity of 1 pound I selected one precise pound of onions, yams and green peppers each. This dumbfounded the farmer when he weighed my items on the scale one by one. Then I realized I forgot my wallet. I owe him $8.50 to be payed (paid) next week.1lb of bell peppers (the whole reason why I bike 5 miles, they are organic and conventional bell peppers are particularly toxic.)
1 lb of YAMS (they look not like potatoes)
1 lb of onions magically measured by my hand.

3. I biked home and then threw away my shoes. They were falling apart, but they spent 35 years in the back of my Mom's closet. I always hated them as a kid, but I knew that one day I would like them and wear them. That day came, and today came the day they fell apart and I had to throw them away.